Have you just given birth and are looking for ways to aid recovery? Then JUNO Health & Wellness' Physiotherapy after Pregnancy service can help you.
Physiotherapy after pregnancy
Pregnancy and childbirth demand a lot from your body. Many physical changes take place, and after giving birth your body may feel very different. Sometimes you may even develop complaints in the period during or after your pregnancy that you can't easily get rid of yourself, or that make it difficult for you to return to your old favourite activities or sports.
Consider complaints such as:
- NPersistent pelvic or back pain
- NCoccyx/ Tailbone pain
- NNeck and shoulder pain
- NDiastasis (separation of the abdominal muscles)
- NPain, difficulty or discomfort in recovery after caesarean section
- NPain in muscles, ligaments or joints when returning to sport
- NPelvic floor complaints*
- NMovement restrictions
- NPosture-related complaints

At JUNO, we specialise in treating these complaints and we are very happy to help you with this.
*In case of pelvic-floor complaints, we advise you to first request a consultation with a registered pelvic physiotherapist. They have more opportunities to diagnose the pelvic floor. After a thorough examination, we can continue the treatment together. At JUNO we cooperate with pelvic physiotherapist Elien Stads (van Huijkelom Physiotherapy Tilburg).
How can JUNO help after pregnancy?
- NExercise therapy including Clinical pilates/ yoga
- NManual therapy techniques
- NMassage and myofascial release techniques
- NDry needling
- NRost therapy for pelvic pain
- NMedical taping
- NAdvice regarding posture and physical load
- NAdvice regarding braces or supportive devices
- NExplanation of your diagnosis, prognosis and information on what you can do yourself to improve your symptoms
- NBreathing exercises
- NRelaxation exercises
Are you suffering from physical complaints since your pregnancy or childbirth and want to make an appointment at JUNO? Then feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you!
Quality is key
JUNO meets the quality requirements as set by the professional association of physiotherapists in the Netherlands (KNGF member number: P417868).