Is your recovery after the birth of your baby not going so easily? Promote the recovery process with acupuncture. A drug-free and safe treatment method for the postpartum period.
Recovering after childbirth with acupuncture
In traditional Chinese medicine, birth is a shift from a "yang" state to a "yin" state, in which a woman loses an abundance of vital energy (qi, blood, essence). So it is understandable that recovery after the birth of your baby does not always go so easily.
The postpartum period is an essential time of rest and recovery, and gentle nurturing, not only for the baby but also for the new mother. Acupuncture can help ease the transition to motherhood and provide relief.
Acupuncture after childbirth can help you with, among other things;
- Insufficient milk production
- Breast infection
- Recovery from childbirth
- Recovery after caesarean section
- Haemorrhoids
- Fatigue
- Postnatal depression/anxiety
- Stress
- Sleep, and adjust to your new life
- Reducing pain
We are here to support you during this important period of your life.
Frequently asked questions on acupuncture for postpartum recovery
How long does an acupuncture treatment last?
The duration of treatment depends on the type of appointment. In a first appointment for a new complaint, we use 60 to 90 minutes for a comprehensive screening, intake and examination. Follow-up appointments take 45 minutes on average.
What does an acupuncture treatment cost?
The cost of an acupuncture treatment depends on the type of appointment.
An initial consultation costs €70. This consists of intake in which a proper diagnosis is made. In addition, the first treatment is often carried out.
Follow-up Acupuncture appointments cost €60 per 45 minutes.
For a full list of rates: click here
Can I claim the cost from the health insurance company?
As an acupuncturist, Nikki is a member of the Zhong, or the Dutch Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine (NVTCG), and thus meets all the requirements set by Dutch health insurers. The professional association guarantees the quality of its members.
At JUNO, you first receive and pay the invoice yourself. This can be done in cash, by pin or via a payment request immediately after the treatment on site.
A prerequisite for reimbursement of treatment by a Zhong therapist is that you have a supplementary package* that includes Chinese medicine. Many, but certainly not all insurers reimburse Chinese medicine. For an up-to-date overview of the reimbursements per policy, go to
How do you ensure quality?
All working acupuncturists have completed the 3-year Dutch TCM Acupuncture training and are members of Zhong. Zhong is the Dutch association for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCG).
Quality is key
JUNO meets the quality requirements as set by the Dutch Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine (Zhong Member no 2022055).